Transforming Male Mental Wellbeing

Brothers in Arms is a Scottish charity and self-contained online platform that supports men's mental wellbeing. Its mission addresses a challenge affecting families globally.

Approximately 75% of suicides are male. It's the leading cause of death for men under 45. Brothers in Arms aims to change these numbers.

The charity utilises technology that enables men to manage their mental wellbeing. They fund research and development of digital applications to create a private, safe space for men to be themselves and empower them to seek support on their own terms.

Their self-referring Blethr Platform offers free digital therapy designed for men, is completely anonymous with no data stored or used and offers safe conversational spaces. No doctor referrals are needed.

(Please note, that they are not a crisis service. For immediate help, contact your GP or Samaritans at 116123.)

Brothers in Arms operates on donations from those touched by male suicide. Their lean structure ensures most funds directly support Scottish men.

The guiding principle is 'Prevention through self-management'. Help is offered before reaching crisis. Over 2000 men have used their therapy platform. Another 3000 have engaged with their support content.

The mission of Brothers in Arms is transformative. They leverage technology to improve male mental wellbeing and to stop men from taking their own lives.

Brothers in Arms is Dedicated to Life Preservation not Suicide Prevention

For more information about our digital wellbeing tool click the link here: Blethr 

Learn more about the strategy behind Blethr and plans for its future: Here

Learn why we are dedicated to life preservation and not suicide prevention: Here


 We are not interested in how things are but in how they can be

Understanding Mental Wellbeing Support

Mental wellbeing support for men in the UK faces many challenges. Many men fear asking for support because they don’t want to seem weak. Society often values toughness and silence in men.

These cultural expectations can trap men. Society struggles to accept that even the strongest can struggle. Men, like women, can face depression and other issues.

Our Mission at Brothers in Arms

At Brothers in Arms, we help men tackle these challenges. Our strategy is called 'Prevention through Self-Management.' We want to break the idea that seeking help makes you less of a man. We provide a safe space to explore your feelings.

In 2018, many doubted our approach. Critics thought men wouldn't use digital mental wellbeing tools. Instead of waiting for men to talk, we made support available anytime, anywhere.

What We Offer

Today, Brothers in Arms provides a free, confidential digital platform called Blethr. It lets men manage their emotional wellbeing anonymously. This service is available 24/7.

Men can explore their feelings in a private, judgment-free space. Our goal is to prevent problems before they become crises.

Why Our Mission Matters

More men take their own lives before the age of 50 in the UK than any other cause. We aim to change this by providing tools for proactive mental wellbeing.

How We Operate

Brothers in Arms is self-funded and relies on donations. These contributions, often from those affected by someone they knew taking his own life, are both financial and emotional investments. We promise to use funds efficiently to help as many men as possible.

Our volunteer structure and digital technology keep costs low and benefits high. Every man deserves a safe, private, anonymous space to express himself without fear.

To learn more about our work and plans, visit our strategy page.



Brothers in Arms began in 2017 to support men in Scotland. We focused on addressing the high suicide rates among males under 45, a leading cause of death in the UK.

Determined to make a change, under founder Dan Proverbs, with Martin Smith and Rob Booth (website experts), and Duncan Cowles (storyteller and film producer), Brothers in Arms took shape.

With Neil Fogarty's and Ian McLaren Wallace's technical and psychological expertise, we launched Blethr, our men’s mental wellbeing service, in September 2023. We are now developing Blethr Ver 2, set for release in the second half of 2024.

Run by volunteer power, all funds go directly to our support service. Using digital technology, films, and social media, we extend our reach across Scotland. Our goal is to offer support across the UK and beyond.



Brothers in Arms