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Most of us may be conditioned to not talk about it. Yet, it’s time to get rid of that and talk about it now.


Mental health is an issue that gets talked about a lot. It affects everyone. This also includes men.

For this reason, it’s about time that we talk about men and their mental health issues. It seems like they are not getting the focus they need. It’s OK not to be OK, especially if you’re a man.

Most of us may be conditioned to not talk about it. Yet, it’s time to get rid of that and talk about it now. Let’s dive deep and talk more about why it’s time to talk about men’s mental health now than never at all.

More than 6 million men are affected by depression each year

One of the more common mental disorders is depression. It affects six million men in America alone each year. It’s also a common disorder that can also lead to suicidal thoughts and actions. Depression can be caused by various factors.

This can include traumatic events or even something such as the loss of a loved one. Depression can also start earlier in their life. It’s important that men should be assessed for mental disorders including depression.

Symptoms include irritability, fatigue, feeling sad or worthless, and losing interest in hobbies or work. If you seem to be experiencing these symptoms, you’ll need to get the help you need now.

Men are four times more likely to take their own lives than women

The sad fact is that because of mental disorders, suicide is usually not out of the question. Men are four times more likely to take their own lives compared to women. In 2010 alone, men accounted for nearly 80 percent of reported suicides.

Among the factors include mood disorders, substance abuse, social isolation, and even trauma related to their service in the military. Sadly, 22 veterans commit suicide each day. If you are a veteran and have suffered combat-related trauma, getting help now is what you need to do next.

LGBT males will likely develop mental disorders more than heterosexuals

Gay and bisexual males are at a higher risk of developing mental disorders. They are also likely to attempt suicide before 25 years of age. This may be due to the fact that their identity may be under scrutiny from family members or friends.

Despite more people becoming more accepting of the LGBT community, a stigma still exists. It may get to the point where they may fear shame and guilt of coming out. So they might feel that suicide may be the only option.

Suicide rates are higher in white men over 85

Believe it or not, the highest suicide rates in the United States are connected to this daunting fact. White men over the age of 85 are most likely to commit suicide. This may be due to the fact that they may have experienced the death of their spouse.

They may feel like they lost their will to live at this point. Not only that, they may not be looking forward to the future. Even though the life expectancy in males is approximately 78 years of age, there are a handful that can live beyond that.

Nearly 40 percent of men refuse to talk about their mental health

Due to the mental health stigma and the expectation to ‘be a man’, nearly 40 percent of men won’t talk about their mental health issues. They are conditioned to believe that men are strong.

It gets to a point where you shouldn’t talk about vulnerabilities or weakness. Some say it may make you look ‘less masculine’. This should not be the case.

If you are a man dealing with a mental health disorder, talking about it is a sign of strength. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Even more interesting is that nearly 80 percent of men that were polled stated that they deal with mental health symptoms such as depression, stress, and anxiety.

Don’t feel embarrassed to talk about your mental health. Don’t feel like you’re surrendering your masculinity. You’ll feel better knowing you’re talking to someone about it.

It can be with a mental health professional, a loved one, or a friend. The more you talk about it, the better the chances you’ll be willing to get the help you need. When you receive treatment, you’ll look back and be thankful for the actions you have taken.

Work, finances, and health are the top three factors

The top three factors that are causing these mental health issues include stress at work, financial issues they may be facing, and concerns for their overall health. 1000 men in the UK were polled and 32 percent of them said that work-related pressure caused their mental health issues.

Financial issues came in at a razor thin second at 31 percent. About a quarter of men reported that their overall health had triggered these mental health issues. Of the 1000 that were polled, nearly said that it would take self-harm or thoughts of suicide to be enough to get the help they need.

Because the attempts of self-harm and suicide can be successful, waiting until these happen should not be the best thing to do. If you are experiencing symptoms, you want to get help now before things get worse.

Final Thoughts

Mental health in men should be taken seriously. It’s time that society as a whole be aware of this. We should not dismiss the male gender as a whole since they suffer from problems like the rest of us.

If you are dealing with symptoms of mental health issues, get the help you need as soon as possible. Do your part to help out your fellow man and make sure they make their mental health a priority. Know that you’re not alone and don’t see getting help as a sign of weakness on your part.

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Brothers in Arms