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Have you ever wondered if men handle breakups differently than women?

The answer might surprise you.

While there are certain stereotypes that suggest men are more likely to be insensitive during a breakup and that It's not uncommon for them to try to avoid confrontation or to just ghost someone instead of having a tough conversation about ending things.

Studies have found that men may actually experience more emotional distress after a breakup than women do and might be more likely to engage in destructive behaviors like substance abuse or rebound relationships as a way to cope.

On the other hand, women tend to seek out social support and process their emotions more openly. So, while men might not necessarily "break up badly," they may have different ways of coping with the aftermath of a breakup. At the end of the day, though, everyone deserves to heal and move on in their own way and time.

Here's how to handle “goodbye” and the flashbacks that follow.

Key points

- A prominent study alludes to a physiological basis for cravings for an ex.

- The emotions surrounding a breakup affect both males and females but are sometimes more profound and less socially acceptable in a man.

- Just like the brain is hardwired to fall in love, it also has a mechanism that helps us fall out of love and move along.

Studies show that to the brain, quitting love and heroin are much the same. Our brains often cannot differentiate another human from smack.

Take solace in knowing that the love longings for your ex are normal... to an extent.

Learn more here via this link



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