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How to make sense of your struggle without losing your mind.

Struggling with your mental health can often feel like being lost in a maze without a clear way out. It can be overwhelming, confusing, and frustrating as you try to navigate your way through the challenges and obstacles that come your way.

Just like a maze, it can be easy to get stuck in negative thought patterns or feel like you're going in circles without making progress. However, there are ways to find your way out of the maze and towards better mental health.

Seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor is one option, as they can provide guidance and support through difficult times. Additionally, practicing self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, or spending time with loved ones can also help improve mental well-being.

- Struggling with your mental health can feel like being trapped in a maze.

- Although your struggle may be complex, you can simplify it in small steps.

- Everything in your life is connected—and it likely plays a role in your struggle.

- There are eight key areas that contribute to your mental well-being.

Remember that it's okay to ask for help and take time to care for yourself - with patience and persistence, you can find your way out of the maze and towards a healthier mindset.

You can learn more on how to make sense of your mental health via this link

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