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Grief surrounding a miscarriage can be devastating, and it's not always easy to talk about.

Until very recently, however, men and miscarriage were rarely discussed. 

But for women who know they’re pregnant, some estimates say 10% to 15% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. That means each year, millions of women and men are coping with the pain of the loss of life and the loss of the hopes and dreams they had for their child.

Men and women deal with grief differently, so it's important to listen to each individual's needs and support them in their journey. The emotions surrounding a miscarriage can range from sadness and disbelief to anger and guilt.

And it can be difficult to understand why a miscarriage occurred, as well as the emotions that come afterwards. It's helpful to take time to process the loss and grieve openly and honestly with others, as this may be necessary to heal.

It is also important to seek support from trusted friends, family members, or counselors if needed. Remember that everyone grieves differently, so don't feel pressured to rush through your grief or judge others for how they cope.

Read more here, https://www.brothersinarmsscotland.co.uk/advice/men-and-miscarriage-grief-how-men-can-process-pregnancy-loss/

Brothers in Arms