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If you're a man, then you know that work can be hard. And if work is hard, then everything else in your life probably becomes harder as well. It's tough to find the time or energy to do things that are fun or relax, and it's easy to lose perspective on what matters most.

That's why it's so important for men to learn how to avoid burnout. Burnout happens when we feel like our job is too much, our home life isn't enough, and we don't have any free time left over. It can sap our energy and make us moody and irritable. In extreme cases, it can lead to physical symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, and even depression.

- Set realistic goals and timelines for yourself.
- Take care of your mental health by setting boundaries and honoring your commitments.
- Get regular exercise and enough rest.
- Avoid working more than 80 hours a week.
- Seek help from a professional if you feel like you are struggling.

Learn more here:

Use our Thrive4Males app to manage stress here:

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