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Why blethr?...

a couple of years ago we tried out an online community platform on BIA where men could come together and talk about whatever was on their minds.

There was a lot of interest (and I mean a lot) however there were challenges around moderation, put simply there were many guys who wanted to talk, chat, challenge, and explore not only their own well-being but also the whole concept of masculinity in today's modern world and their own role in it.

And quite frankly we didn't have the manpower to engage 24/7 in keeping track of where the conversations sometimes would go, also there are now many excellent male peer support groups (such as Andy Mans Club) that enable men to feel comfortable in their own skin while exploring their own emotions and vulnerability.

And we see that our main role is in using cutting-edge technology that men already feel comfortable using, as the space we can occupy to complement peer support groups and the other fantastic male wellbeing organisations out there.

So blethr will be that tool that both men and those that support them can use and engage with 24/7 to explore all of the above, whenever to *blether about whatever (*chat)

Honestly, whatever you think it is, it's not, it's better than that...

Learn more here: https://www.brothersinarmsscotland.co.uk/what-is-blethr/




Brothers in Arms