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One in three individuals with an eating disorder is male, yet body image struggles and eating disorders in men and boys often go undiagnosed. The first step to identifying these disorders is learning how they manifest differently in males.

Eating disorders in males and females can manifest differently but can have similar underlying causes. In men and boys, an eating disorder may be less likely to be recognized due to gender stereotypes about body image and the pressure to conform to certain masculine ideals. Furthermore, many men and boys may not feel comfortable discussing their struggles with body image or disordered eating, so they may go undiagnosed.

In general, men and boys with eating disorders are more likely to focus on building muscle rather than losing weight. They may become preoccupied with exercise or using supplements such as whey protein or creatine. They may also become overly concerned about their body size and shape, or engage in other behaviors such as binging, purging, fasting, or compulsive exercising. Other signs of an eating disorder in males may include dramatic changes in behavior or mood, social withdrawal, fatigue, insomnia, and a preoccupation with food or dieting.

Men and boys with eating disorders may:

• Have a preoccupation with weight gain, muscle mass, and strength.

• Express feelings of inadequacy or low self-esteem rather than focusing on appearance or weight loss.

• Experience depression or show signs of aggression.

• Exercise excessively or show signs of risky behaviors such as substance abuse.

• Overwork or become socially isolated to avoid eating meals with others.

• Try to control their eating by fasting, binging, purging, or using laxatives or diet pills.

• Have difficulty expressing emotions, leading to a sense of emotional numbness or disconnection from their feelings about food and body image.

It is important for family members and friends to be aware of the unique manifestations of eating disorders in men and boys so that they can better recognize the warning signs, If you suspect that someone you know is struggling, reach out and offer support. Eating disorders are serious conditions that require professional help and treatment in order to overcome them.

Learn more about Body Dissatisfaction and Eating Disorders in Men and Boys via this link

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