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WHO AM I? What’s my purpose? What mark can I make on the world?

Just about everyone has asked themselves these questions at some point in their lives, usually when they’re going through new life events. Pondering your identity and purpose can be a sign that you’re going through an existential crisis.

So, you're feeling a little lost and questioning the meaning of it all? Welcome to the existential crisis club...

Some signs you can look out for include feeling disconnected from your usual routine or interests, having a sense of emptiness or boredom with life, feeling anxious or depressed about the future, questioning your beliefs or values, and wondering what your purpose is in life.

Signs You’re Having an Existential Crisis

An existential crisis affects everyone differently. Kennedy and Cassine say these are some signs to pay attention to:

- You don’t feel motivated

- You question whether your work is important

- You regret past choices

- You’re preoccupied with your own mortality—such as focusing on the things you want to accomplish before you die

- You start seeing your actions as meaningless—like no matter what you do, nothing changes, so “what’s the point?”

- You feel like you’re not working toward a bigger purpose

- You feel like you’re going through the motions and aren’t emotionally connected to your day-to-day

- You wonder about your legacy and what people will remember about your contributions to the world

- You feel lost

- You constantly worry or feel a sense of heaviness

- You feel isolated

It's important to remember that an existential crisis is a normal part of the human experience and can actually lead to personal growth and self-discovery.

If you're feeling overwhelmed, seeking support from friends, family, or a therapist can be helpful in navigating this challenging time. Just remember, it's okay to not have all the answers and to take the time you need to figure things out.

Learn more about the Signs You’re Having an Existential Crisis here

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