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In redefining masculinity, positive masculinity emerges as a vital concept. Fostering this awareness can lead to healthier, more fulfilling lives. Society must reassess and support this change.

Traditional masculinity, often defined by stoicism and dominance, harms men's mental wellbeing. These outdated norms pressure men to suppress emotions. They discourage seeking help, leading to isolation and despair. Brothers in Arms aims to counteract this by promoting the concept of positive masculinity.

Positive Masculinity: A New Definition

Positive masculinity emphasizes traits like empathy, resilience, and emotional openness. This concept encourages men to embrace their feelings. It stresses the importance of self-awareness and interpersonal relationships.

In an article for Psychology Today, author Nicholas Balaisis Ph.D., RP, describes it as ‘tonic masculinity.’ He highlights it as a pivotal concept for men's wellbeing.

Impact on Mental Wellbeing

Embracing positive masculinity improves mental wellbeing. It allows men to express emotions without fear of judgment. It fosters a supportive environment where seeking help is normalised. This shift can reduce feelings of isolation and promote healthier coping mechanisms.

Barriers to Acceptance

Despite its benefits, positive masculinity faces resistance. Deep-rooted cultural norms challenge its acceptance. There is still a stigma around men showing vulnerability. Many fear being perceived as weak. This stigma must be dismantled to make progress.

Strategies for Promoting Positive Masculinity

To promote positive masculinity effectively, several strategies are needed:

  • Raise awareness through education campaigns targeting young men.

  • Encourage open conversations about emotions in safe digital spaces like Blethr.

  • Showcase positive role models who embody positive masculinity.

  • Integrate these principles into mental wellbeing resources and programs.

For positive masculinity to gain traction, society must embrace change. Schools, workplaces, and community groups can play pivotal roles. They must foster environments where emotional openness is valued. Supporting platforms like Brothers in Arms' Blethr can facilitate this shift.

Let's take the first step together. Encourage the men in your life to explore positive masculinity. It is time to create a culture where emotional expression is a strength.

Read the full Psychology Today article here. 

Learn more about The Blethr Platform here. 

Brothers in Arms